Having been in finance since 1998, primarily equities and commodities I ventured into Real Estate and became a first time home buyer in January 2011. At the time I thought, “The American Dream” I own real estate, I own a home entirely unbeknownst to me at the time I was making an investment that could procure me significant amounts of capital to use at my discretion, credit that I could borrow against, leverage and financial security, financial stability as well as retirement.
After living in my home for six (6) months I had an appraisal and found my home had increased in value almost 10% and I was ecstatic. I refinanced to a lower 30 year fixed 3.75% APR and I took out a HELOC loan, in case of an emergency and to do some minor work around the home. I then did some extensive interior work, primarily aesthetic, painting, room allocation, furnishings, fixtures and “interior design” I used around 20% of my HELOC loan around $25,000.00 the interest payment on my HELOC along with my new mortgage rate was still significantly lower than my original mortgage! A year and a half had passed and I thought of getting the home re-appraised with the work I had done, to my astonishment the appraisal came in and my home had increased in value 40% thanks to the interior work, aesthetic layout, fixtures and finishing’s! I then took out a new HELOC loan this time for significantly more. There I was in a million dollar home, with 20% more in an account than I had even used as a down payment, my refinanced mortgage was significantly less than the rent I had been paying for years and I had the tax credit benefits, financial stability and security I had been longing for my entire life.
I envisioned that I could share my experience with others, guide them into home ownership, advise them on a purchase with a vision in mind and then steer them in the direction that their home could increase in value using leveraged and borrowed money at ridiculously low interest rates providing them with financial security and freedom and best of all a home to call their own.